About Us

Marion County’s Gun Violence Reduction Initiative

Boosting Businesses

End Gun Violence Marion County is a three part initiative funded by the Marion County Public Health Department aimed at reducing gun violence in and around Indianapolis by connecting community members with existing prevention and reduction resources.

MCPHD has developed a virtual database for each part of the initiative — Providers, Community, and Youth — to provide direct, accessible resources for the community. This website was created to empower community members to make informed choices about their health and safety by simplifying access to existing community services and providers.

Community Providers

Individuals and Organizations providing community services and resources

Parents & Caretakers

Families and Individuals in need of access to community resources and providers


Youth and Families looking for alternative outlets to safely grow and express themselves

Our Mission

This Directory was created for Parents, Caretakers, and Youth to connect them with essential services and activities that address their needs. It seeks to simplify the process for families in finding support for mental health, healthcare, mentoring programs, conflict resolution, and engaging activities such as sports, STEM programs, and the arts, all of which promote stability and improve overall quality of life. These wraparound services provide comprehensive support for youth and their families.

Our Vision

We envision a future where we can prevent gun violence by offering positive outlets for youth to express their energy, creativity, and social skills. Through engaging programs in sports, arts, and STEM, along with important wraparound services like mental health support, job training, and access to food services, we aim to help young people develop skills, build community connections, and get the support they need to lead fulfilling lives.

By teaching youth about the effects of violence and promoting understanding, we strive to create a safe environment where all young people can thrive, make responsible choices, and reduce the risk of gun violence in our communities.

Frequently Asked Questions

End Gun Violence Marion County (EGVMC) is a digital directory providing a simplified way for Marion County residents to find support with mental health, healthcare, mentoring programs, conflict resolution, and engaging activities such as sports, STEM programs, and the arts. This directory was created for parents, caretakers, and youth to connect them with essential services and activities that address their needs, promote stability, and improve overall quality of life. These low cost, no cost, and sliding scale services provide comprehensive support for youth and their families.

Each Provider is represented through a unique profile page that includes contact information, a summary of services and/or service categories, service eligibility criteria, and the location(s) they serve.

Community members can explore resources by categories, find activities for specific dates, or browse the complete directory to understand all the types of support available.

To Search By Category:

  • Enter your desired term(s) into one of the site’s search barsor
  • Select a category from the Categories of Care on the Resources page to explore all Providers within that category, or
  • Select a category from the Resources drop-down menu to navigate to that category’s hub page and explore its Providers


To Search By Date:

Visit the Activities Calendar in the main menu, page footer, or at www.endgunviolencemc.org/activities 


To Explore All:

Visit the Resources page to explore all Providers and learn more about the Categories of Care.

We select our providers through a combination of data collection methods, including self-reporting surveys, online databases, word-of-mouth referrals, and networking. To be featured, providers must offer their services at no cost, low cost, or on a sliding scale for members of our community. Providers must be located in Marion County, nearby counties, or be willing to accept clients from Marion County.

We envision a future where we can prevent gun violence by offering positive outlets for youth to express their energy, creativity, and social skills. Through engaging programs in sports, arts, and STEM, along with important wraparound services like mental health support, job training, and access to food services, we aim to help young people develop skills, build community connections, and get the support they need to lead fulfilling lives.

End Gun Violence Marion County includes providers in twelve unique service areas. These include:

To learn more about the types of services within each care category, visit our Resource page and explore the Directory.

To become a verified Marion County Gun Violence Reduction Provider, please fill out our Provider Survey and someone will contact you about your organization/services. 

Provider survey submissions are currently on pause. If you would like to be added to the directory, please contact: [email protected]

To contact a Provider, please refer to the listed contact information on their unique Provider profile.

End Gun Violence Marion County does not facilitate communication between Community Members and Providers.

To contact a representative of EGVMC with a question about this site, or to report a site issue, please submit an inquiry via our Contact Us form.