
Areas Served: All of Marion County
Organization Address:  1712 N Meridian St. Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Age Groups/Grades Served: All ages


BU envisions a world where black people in Indiana have comprehensive access and improved health outcomes. The community recognizes BU as the expert, first point of contact for Black health and wellness and looks to BU for thought leadership.
The health services BU provides combats racial inequities. BU Wellness Network’s mission is to enhance the health and wellness of black communities in Indiana. We largely do this work through HIV prevention services, supportive services for people living with HIV, and programs to address nutritional needs. These programs seek to provide a holistic approach to addressing the HIV epidemic. We are to serve over 2,000 people annually through our variety of services offered at BU Wellness Network. All of our services are offered free of charge.

Supportive Services

  • Non-Medical Case Management
  • Food Pantry
  • Emergency Financial Assistance – Rent & Utilities
  • Medical Transportation
  • Support Groups
  • BU-FIT (Facing It Together)
    BU-FIT is a program designed to provide support for people who use drugs/alcohol no matter their stage of recovery. The program team will work along side the client to face their journey towards harm reduction together.

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