
Organization Address:  101 W Washington St #1200, Indianapolis, IN 6204
Where Activities Take Place:
Finish Line Boys and Girls Club
3870 N Post Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46226
Watkins Park Recreation Center
2360 Doctor M.L.K. Jr St, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Age Groups/Grades Served: Ages 16-24
Areas Served: All of Marion County


EmployIndy is the Workforce Development Board for the greater Indianapolis Region. Our mission is to connect employer demand for talent with job seekers looking for employment. The Re-Engagement Center is EmployIndy’s place based recruitment strategy to engage young adults ages 16-24, also called Opportunity Youth (OY), in an effort to enroll in the Youth Employment System (YES) Indy.

YES Indy is a multi-door workforce readiness, training and employment program designed to provide OY a pathway to education and employment along the any job, better job and career job continuum. YES Indy offers, career coaching, barrier supports, HSE services, occupational training, and employment placement.

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