Primary Service Areas


Lasima Packett
[email protected]
Phone (317) 327-5127
Cell (317) 452-0316


Areas Served: Marion County – Area 9
Ages Served: All Ages


Mayor’s Neighborhood Advocates connect residents and business owners directly to city government and provide a communications link to the mayor’s office. You can determine who is your advocate by visiting our website.

Neighborhood advocates help neighborhoods by:

  • Providing technical assistance to help residents create new neighborhood organizations.
    Bringing community groups together to combine forces when addressing common issues.
  • Attending community meetings to hear citizens’ concerns and share them with government officials.
  • Educating the public on zoning ordinances and land use issues, and how they can participate in the zoning process.
  • Providing information about zoning ordinances, re-zoning variance procedures, and permitting issues.

Neighborhood advocates help businesses by:

  • Connecting business owners looking to expand or relocate their business with available resources in the community.
  • Helping locate vacant properties and buildings.
    Attending community meetings to hear business owners’ concerns and share them with government officials.
  • Educating business owners on zoning ordinances and land use issues, and how they can participate in the zoning process.
  • Providing information about zoning ordinances, re-zoning variance procedures, and permitting issues.

Community Office Hours:

Please email or call me to set up a time to connect

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