
Areas Served: All of Marion County
Organization Address: 546 E 17th St #201, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Age Groups/Grades Served: All ages



Stand for Children Indiana is a nonprofit organization that advocates for education equity and racial justice:

Improve education outcomes for all children by identifying local challenges, researching solutions, and advocating for policy changes

Uses a three-pillar strategy of parents, politics, and policy

Elect education champions, help parents and teachers, and address injustices in the education system

Has led to improvements in early literacy teaching, higher teacher pay, and policies to close opportunity gaps

Stand for Children Indiana’s work focuses on:

  • Ensuring equitable opportunities in classrooms
    Supporting parents, teachers, and students in addressing injustices
  • Addressing the lack of resources, quality instruction, and access to great schools for Black and Brown students
  • Addressing discipline policies that feed the school-to-prison pipeline

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